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Cost-effective method of dark field microscopy in everyday practice

Department of Dermatology, Velammal Medical College and Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Author image

*Corresponding author: Aravind Sivakumar, Department of Dermatology, Velammal Medical College and Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, transform, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

How to cite this article: Sriram CK, Sivakumar A. Cost-effective method of dark field microscopy in everyday practice. CosmoDerma 2022;2:132.


Dark-field microscopy is an optical tool that is used in the field of venereology. In contrast to bright-field microscopy, it has the advantage of increasing background contrast to the object thus providing better sensitivity for diagnosis.[1]

It is the most specific and sensitive technique to diagnose syphilis in the primary stage and can confirm the diagnosis before serological testing. However, dark field microscopes are quite expensive and not widely used. Hence, we are proposing a cost effective novel method to convert a light microscope into a dark field microscope that can be used in resource poor settings.



The dark ground microscope creates a contrast between the object and the surrounding field, such that, the background is dark, and the object is bright. The objective and the ocular lenses used in the dark field microscope are the same as in the ordinary light microscope, with the addition of a special Abbe darkfield condenser or a black annular opaque filter which is used to prevent the transmitted light from directly illuminating the specimen. Only oblique scattered light reaches the specimen and passes onto the lens system causing the object to appear bright against a dark background.[2,3]


Instead of using a special filter, a one-rupee coin is beneath the condenser as shown in [Figures 1 and 2, Video 1]. The size of the coin must be smaller than that of the condenser such that the rays emerging from the periphery form an inverted hollow cone of light with the focus centered on the specimen plane. Here, the one-rupee coin is selected as its specific diameter of 22 mm allows adequate occlusion while allowing the periphery to be illuminated.

Illustration of the principle of dark field microscopy.
Figure 1:
Illustration of the principle of dark field microscopy.
Correct placement of the coin beneath the condenser.
Figure 2:
Correct placement of the coin beneath the condenser.

Video 1:

Video 1:Video demonstration of the coin technique for dark field conversion.

When a specimen is placed on a slide, the oblique rays interact with the specimen and are reflected by it. This allows these faint rays to enter the objective lens. The result is a bright specimen on a dark background aiding in the visualization of the treponema as shown in [Figure 3].

Visualization of treponema under dark field microscopy.
Figure 3:
Visualization of treponema under dark field microscopy.


Our technique is a simple and cost-effective method and can be used in a resource poor setting. The illumination of a dark ground microscope through this method allows for easy detection of treponemes as compared to the ordinary light microscope thus aiding in early diagnosis and treatment.

Declaration of patient consent

Patient’s consent not required as there are no patients in this study.

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

Videos available online at


  1. . Modern dark-field microscopy and history of its development. Trans Am Microsc Soc. 1920;39:95-141.
    [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  2. , . Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook. (3rd ed). Washington, DC: ASM Press; .
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  3. , . American Society for Microbiology In: Manual of Clinical Microbiology (8th ed). Washington, DC: ASM Press; .
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